Fujikura PANDA fibres (also known as Polarization Maintaining (PM) fibres) are made for transmission of linearly polarized light with minimal cross-coupling of optical power between the two coupling modes.

A full line-up of PANDA fibres may be found on the Fujikura webpage.

  • Features
  • Specifications
  • Low transmission loss & excellent crosstalk properties
  • Large selection of products by wavelength, coating and type of usage
  • Suitable for fusion splicing, connector assembly and manufacturing of optical devices
Item Content
Applications Telecommunications Wavelength

Small Bend Radius

Visible Wavelength

Coating material & diameters UV acrylate (250 µm, 400 µm)

UV / polyester-elastomer (500 µm, 900 µm)

Polyimide coated (145 µm)

Minimum bend radius R ≥ 15 mm ( standard)

R ≥ 7.5 mm ( with 125 µm fibre cladding)

R ≥ 5 mm ( with 80 µm & 125 µm fibre cladding)


Download Technical Data Sheet: PANDA Fiber (PDF)

A full line-up of PANDA fibres may be found on the Fujikura webpage.

Please contact us directly for any additional specifications not listed.

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